Since 2021, La Rochette Cartonboard has been ISO 50 001 certified !

Since 2021, La Rochette Cartonboard has been ISO 50 001 certified. This standard aims to implement an energy management system (EMS) to reduce our energy costs and have a positive impact on our carbon footprint. 🌍

Our factory is fully committed to this approach and self-produces part of the electricity it consumes thanks to its biomass boiler. The boiler is being upgraded to more efficient and less energy-consuming technologies (new turbine, new pumps and motors with variable speed drives, etc.).

Our teams seek to target projects aimed at improving energy performance. These projects include, for example, the optimisation of the compressed air plant to avoid leaks and to recover the thermal energy indirectly produced by the process (which is neither recovered nor used to preheat the boiler water), or the construction of a solar farm, for which an environmental impact study is in progress.

For more information 👉