📘✨ To mark the official release of the book, we organised a launch party on 18 April 2024 at the Médiathèque in La Rochette. Christophe Lloret Linares and Jean-Bernard Dutrieux gave speeches highlighting the importance of this anniversary and expressed their gratitude to the many internal / external contributors.
🎙️ We were honoured to welcome speeches from Emilie Bonnivard, Member of Parliament for Savoie, Jacky Donjon, Deputy Mayor of La Rochette, Jean-François Duc and Stéphane Duparc, Vice-Chairmen of the Communauté de Communes Cœur de Savoie, as well as Roland Magdinier, former Secretary of the Comité Social et Économique in 1985, Maître Rebut, the liquidator who enabled Cascades to take over the company in 1985, and Robert Franck, a descendant of the company’s founders and a former manager.
We were delighted to welcome Jacky Bozet, a former member of the Comité d’Entreprise, who played a key role in the Cascades takeover.
An English version will be available in 2024. 📖